Tuesday, March 15, 2011

His Love Never Fails You

Fail ( Definition) 1. To prove deficient or lacking; perform ineffectively or inadequately.2. To be unsuccessful

Sometimes the things we go through in life, makes us think that we are alone or that somehow God has failed us. But never will God fail us, or forsake neither will His love for us.

We sometimes tend to think that just because we are Christians, we won't have trials and tribulations. Yet God's word said that we will go through suffering and rejection for Him, just for the simple fact that we are Christians. When we have a hard time, as in a tough breakup, family members may be sick or friends betray you we have to stand strong in God and remember that He is there for us and that He loves us, that we are not alone.  Sometimes our faith gets tested, to see if we will stand for Him through the good times and the bad. To see if we will still sing Hallelujah when things aren't easy at all.

Don't ever think that God has left you alone, or has forsaken you. Remember He died for us, and He loves us deeply, more than our minds can ever comprehend. Remember that Jesus does have feelings and when we say or think that He has left us or betrayed us, it breaks His heart because of how much He did for us. How can we possibly think such a thing after He died for us?

Jesus shows us what Love is, he showed us because He died for us, and no matter how wrong people treat Him, He still shows them compassion and love. No matter how many times we mess us, or turn our back away from Him, He still shows love towards us. We need to learn to walk in His love, and love others as He has loved us, to make it a lifestyle.  In this we know exactly what love is, and that's simply God..God is love.

Conclusion: If we are walking in God's love that He has shown us, we learn what love really is, so how can we ever feel alone or that He doesn't love us? It isn't possible.

1 John 3:16
" By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.

'Til next time fellow brethren,
Tori Taylar

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