Contingency |Definition|- A future event or circumstance that is possible but cannot be predicted with certainty.
Recently I've had the challenge of finding beauty within the bizarre of life. It isn't always an easy battle but it's a road all of us will walk if we have any kind of longing for happiness in us.
Just about every moment of life we are walking around, searching.
Searching for deliverance, for the melody among the cacophony.
Searching for enlightenment in the numb conformity of the suburbs.
We tend to let this world run us out, run us dry, and stretch us thin. I know I had. The past couple of weeks I have definitely been stretched thin, so much to the point where I didn't think I was going to regain my shape. Every corner I turned, chaos, in every aspect. Whether it's based from recent decisions to heartbreaks and even to the future. I felt like the world was crumbling around me, that this dark valley was longer then the one I've walked before.
8am. on the dot. my eyes opened. wide awake. i look over at my clock and my heart sunk. knowing that i felt my current whereabouts were wrong, that i "belonged" somewhere else at that time.I had every intention on glooming through the day, barely making it through. Some days are harder then others. I stayed desolate and alone with my songbook and pen for about two hours. Slowly but surely I make my way upstairs, to be greeted by the face of my smiling mother. Just that smile, I found an inch of grace. The sound of my sister's laugh at her corny jokes, i found grace. The sleepy and worn out eyes of my father--grace. Even the furry face of my cat staring back at me-- grace. All of these things, brought an ounce of happiness, laughter, and thankfulness all in one. Wrapped up in a beautiful package labeled-grace. Something I wanted to so desperately open, like a child on Christmas. Something that would make me forget about all the other cares in the world and enjoy the moments I call "usual"; the moments I may even complain about. I then began to think that happiness is a choice; to be thankful for the myriad blessings that I have, rather then glooming about the few unpleasant, heartbreaking, and disappointing things.
I began to think,
-How can there ever be an act of peace coming from me when I don't have inner peace; inner happiness?
-How can there ever be inner peace within all of these innumerable outer distractions of "everyday life" lined up?
-How can I ever find something beautiful within the bizarre?
That's when the change of mind started to kick in, that's the when the new mindset was brought into the light.
Oh how easily we forget the incredible gifts given!
Oh how easily we forget the child that doesn't have clothes, because we can't have the ones we want to keep up with the trend.
Oh how easily we forget the ones that don't have a place to call home, because we "think" that we need a better one.
Oh how easily! Oh how easily all that can be forgotten.
Not at all am I insinuating that all we care about are the petty things, but we must admit for our own good that we do focus on them alot.
We all have hurts. I do. I've had disappointments, rejection, fear, and heartbreak all wrapped up in a deceiving package and put on my doorstep. I opened it, blind, not being able to see what it really was until it was too late. Yeah, it was too late to act like it wasn't there, but it wasn't too late to turn my mindset around for the positive.
It wasn't too late to stay optimistic, still looking for the final release; the aroma of healing and freedom.
It wasn't too late to still find something beautiful, still find that beautiful thing, still find that grace within all my contingency.
Keeping running towards the horizon, toward your own grace,
Tori Taylar
Those three words I live my life by: Living a life of Faith in my Lord & Savior. Walking in love for others as He loves them; unconditionally. Chasing after God & righteousness in Purity.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Song Of Solomon Analysis |Introduction|
Song Of Solomon
Well, Like the title, this is going to be a series of blogs over the next couple weeks I'd say, on the Song Of Solomon in the Old Testament.
I recall a conversation,where people were saying that the Song Of Solomon was just about sex, and I tend to disagree, I believe it's about love between a man and a woman, or the love Christ has for us.
I will be using The Wycliffe Bible Commentary as my reference guide, and study of the Song Of Solomon chapter by chapter.
This blog, is just the introduction of the book and future blogs will be analyzed by the chapter. :) I hope you enjoy this series and I'm very excited to see what this book in the Bible really means.
As to it's literary genre the Song Of Solomon is obviously a poem of love. The difficulty is how to interpret it. There are four different ways that you can interpret it.
I. The Allegorical View
This was the interpretation common among the Jews from ancient times, and from the it has passed over into the Christian Church. It seems that the Jews regarded the Song as expressing the love relationship between and His chosen people. Eventually the Christian Church saw in it reflected love between Christ and the Church.
II. The Dramatic View
The essence of this view, as advocated by Franz Delitzsch, is that the Song Of Solomon is a drama representing Solomon as having fallen in love with a rustic girl, the Shulamite, whom he takes to his royal palace in Jerusalem. And a particular form of this view, "The shepherd hypothesis", introduces a third character, a shepherd to whom the Shulamite girl remains faithful to despite the advances of Solomon.
III. The Typical View
This view, too, holds that in the Song there is portrayed the great love between Christ and the Church, King Solomon being regarded as a type of Christ and the bride, representing the Church. However this view differs from the allegorical in that it tries to do justice to the actual language of the Song without seeking a special meaning in every phrase, as the allegorical view does.
IV. The Natural or Literal View
The basic tenet of this view is that the Song is a poem extolling human love. From that point on, because of the inclusion of this book in the canon of Scripture, adherents of this view may differ widely as to the ultimate significance of this song of love.
Alrighty then, so the Song Of Solomon is pretty much instructing us to NOT glamorize physical beauty and idolize the biological aspect of marriage. Notwithstanding the straight-forward manner in which physical beauty and attractiveness are described, the love relationship portrayed in the Song is of lofty character.
Thus, the Song holds before us the ideal love relationship in a marriage.
The reading of this book, far from raising sensuous thoughts in our minds, should lead us to praise the Creator who created man in His own image, who made the human body beautiful. The very reading of this book should also make us aware of our sinful failures in our attitude toward members of the other sex in general, and in particular our sins of the flesh within marriage.
This it is by this book the Holy Spirit will lead sinners to the Christ who is also the Redeemer and Sanctifier of holy wedlock. Seeing and experiencing the purity and holiness of this earthly bond of love will also lead us to better understanding of that love relationship which is heavenly and eternal, namely, the spotlessly pure and indestructible bond of love that exists between Christ and His Church.
Well, I hope you guys found this blog helpful and loaded with information about the Song Of Solomon. I know I'm excited to explore this book in the Bible in a deeper way, and take it how God intended for us to receive it and definitely not in a sinful way. I hope you guys will read with me to the end. :)
Let's go on this journey together,
Tori Taylar
Well, Like the title, this is going to be a series of blogs over the next couple weeks I'd say, on the Song Of Solomon in the Old Testament.
I recall a conversation,where people were saying that the Song Of Solomon was just about sex, and I tend to disagree, I believe it's about love between a man and a woman, or the love Christ has for us.
I will be using The Wycliffe Bible Commentary as my reference guide, and study of the Song Of Solomon chapter by chapter.
This blog, is just the introduction of the book and future blogs will be analyzed by the chapter. :) I hope you enjoy this series and I'm very excited to see what this book in the Bible really means.
As to it's literary genre the Song Of Solomon is obviously a poem of love. The difficulty is how to interpret it. There are four different ways that you can interpret it.
I. The Allegorical View
This was the interpretation common among the Jews from ancient times, and from the it has passed over into the Christian Church. It seems that the Jews regarded the Song as expressing the love relationship between and His chosen people. Eventually the Christian Church saw in it reflected love between Christ and the Church.
II. The Dramatic View
The essence of this view, as advocated by Franz Delitzsch, is that the Song Of Solomon is a drama representing Solomon as having fallen in love with a rustic girl, the Shulamite, whom he takes to his royal palace in Jerusalem. And a particular form of this view, "The shepherd hypothesis", introduces a third character, a shepherd to whom the Shulamite girl remains faithful to despite the advances of Solomon.
III. The Typical View
This view, too, holds that in the Song there is portrayed the great love between Christ and the Church, King Solomon being regarded as a type of Christ and the bride, representing the Church. However this view differs from the allegorical in that it tries to do justice to the actual language of the Song without seeking a special meaning in every phrase, as the allegorical view does.
IV. The Natural or Literal View
The basic tenet of this view is that the Song is a poem extolling human love. From that point on, because of the inclusion of this book in the canon of Scripture, adherents of this view may differ widely as to the ultimate significance of this song of love.
Alrighty then, so the Song Of Solomon is pretty much instructing us to NOT glamorize physical beauty and idolize the biological aspect of marriage. Notwithstanding the straight-forward manner in which physical beauty and attractiveness are described, the love relationship portrayed in the Song is of lofty character.
Thus, the Song holds before us the ideal love relationship in a marriage.
The reading of this book, far from raising sensuous thoughts in our minds, should lead us to praise the Creator who created man in His own image, who made the human body beautiful. The very reading of this book should also make us aware of our sinful failures in our attitude toward members of the other sex in general, and in particular our sins of the flesh within marriage.
This it is by this book the Holy Spirit will lead sinners to the Christ who is also the Redeemer and Sanctifier of holy wedlock. Seeing and experiencing the purity and holiness of this earthly bond of love will also lead us to better understanding of that love relationship which is heavenly and eternal, namely, the spotlessly pure and indestructible bond of love that exists between Christ and His Church.
Well, I hope you guys found this blog helpful and loaded with information about the Song Of Solomon. I know I'm excited to explore this book in the Bible in a deeper way, and take it how God intended for us to receive it and definitely not in a sinful way. I hope you guys will read with me to the end. :)
Let's go on this journey together,
Tori Taylar
Friday, July 1, 2011
Love Is My Story
Love is my story.
To react in love in everything I do.
To show God's love to people, just as He has shown love to me.
To love unconditionally.I desire to fight for those who can't fight.
To use my rights to fight for theirs.
I'll fight until my hands are callused and body is worn for them.
To love the ones that are too tired to love.
To love the ones that need to feel loved.
Well all need love whether we think we do or not.
Love from a friend, love from family.
We need to pass love on in every possible way.
Love one another. Love is the step that we have to take.
Love is the whistle we blow for peace.
Love will speak louder then words in an equality speech.
Love will march with us to the end of the horizon.
Love is the deliberate act of forgiveness.
Love is what will clean up this mess.
Love is love.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Little facts that we has human beings need to know. Super important, and this has a dear place in my heart. I hope you will take the time to watch this:
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Too Much?
Much-(Definition)- 1.To a great extent; a great deal.
Sometimes you can put a little bit to much faith, trust, in somebody when you should really be putting ALL your faith in the Lord.
When you start to put to much faith in people, that's when you get let down. Because you get your hopes up,but everyone is human. People, no matter who it is, will let you down sooner or later in some kind of way, shape, or form. The thing is, you mustn't get angry with them, or blame them for the disappointment they brought you but you need to recognize that no one is perfect and give them the benefit of the doubt. Now I'm not saying to let people run over you,and not to express your feelings because I'm not at all, it's just don't ruin a friendship or relationship over something that everyone does. Which is to disappoint and make mistakes sometimes.
Putting your trust in God and God alone, is putting Him in control of your life. It's saying," God I surrender, I can't do this on my own and I need you to guide my footsteps." And when you do that, He takes over. He's suddenly in the drivers seat and things will begin to happen in your life that you never even dreamed of, and you'll wonder why and then you'll know it's all God. Sometimes God has us do things in our life that we may not understand, like becoming friends with certain people to influence them, or even losing a friend and you don't know why. But God does. I have to admit this is something I still have trouble with, is to not question God and His judgement. To seriously leave it all to Him. It's a hard thing to do, and just because I'm writing this blog doesn't mean that I have it down pact, because I don't at all. I'm still going through the process of just letting God do His thing and be in total control of my life and to guide my footsteps.
No matter how old you are, we all need guidance, and He may bring that guidance through your parents, aunts, uncles, or any wise experienced person in your life. That's why we must humble ourselves and listen, even when it's hard to or you don't think your parents are right, but they it always turns up that they are. Whether we see it now or not. We may see it when we get alot older, and we'll be teaching the same thing to our own children.
Well..I guess all I want to say is, let God be in control of your life, and things will be much better then what we could ever do. :)
Til' Next Time Humble Friends,
Sometimes you can put a little bit to much faith, trust, in somebody when you should really be putting ALL your faith in the Lord.
When you start to put to much faith in people, that's when you get let down. Because you get your hopes up,but everyone is human. People, no matter who it is, will let you down sooner or later in some kind of way, shape, or form. The thing is, you mustn't get angry with them, or blame them for the disappointment they brought you but you need to recognize that no one is perfect and give them the benefit of the doubt. Now I'm not saying to let people run over you,and not to express your feelings because I'm not at all, it's just don't ruin a friendship or relationship over something that everyone does. Which is to disappoint and make mistakes sometimes.
Putting your trust in God and God alone, is putting Him in control of your life. It's saying," God I surrender, I can't do this on my own and I need you to guide my footsteps." And when you do that, He takes over. He's suddenly in the drivers seat and things will begin to happen in your life that you never even dreamed of, and you'll wonder why and then you'll know it's all God. Sometimes God has us do things in our life that we may not understand, like becoming friends with certain people to influence them, or even losing a friend and you don't know why. But God does. I have to admit this is something I still have trouble with, is to not question God and His judgement. To seriously leave it all to Him. It's a hard thing to do, and just because I'm writing this blog doesn't mean that I have it down pact, because I don't at all. I'm still going through the process of just letting God do His thing and be in total control of my life and to guide my footsteps.
No matter how old you are, we all need guidance, and He may bring that guidance through your parents, aunts, uncles, or any wise experienced person in your life. That's why we must humble ourselves and listen, even when it's hard to or you don't think your parents are right, but they it always turns up that they are. Whether we see it now or not. We may see it when we get alot older, and we'll be teaching the same thing to our own children.
Well..I guess all I want to say is, let God be in control of your life, and things will be much better then what we could ever do. :)
Til' Next Time Humble Friends,
Monday, April 18, 2011
A Proper Young Lady
Lady ( Definition)- 1. a woman who is refined, polite, and well-spoken. 2.any woman.
Now a days I look around, and girls out there just don't act like proper young ladies anymore.
Dressing in dresses, and wearing high heels don't make you a lady, but your mannerisms and actions do.
Seriously girls need to act like proper young ladies, if they want guys to treat them like one. It's hilarious, I hear girls all the time saying, " Why won't he carry my things, and open the door for me?" When they aren't acting like ladies at all. They are chasing after the guys, forever running & giving them hugs and trying to get their attention but then want the guys to chase after them. It just won't work.
Girls, guys do like to chase after us, they like to be chivalrous and be needed,to be a man. You just have to let them do that. I'm not saying be rude, and tell them " Carry my things, open the car door for me!" But when you treat yourself with respect and carry yourself like the lady you are, that will come naturally where they will want to do that stuff for you.
Guys like girls, that are polite, well-mannered and acts like the weaker sex. And now a days that's so hard to find, that when you act that way, you'll stick out like a sore thumb and he'll look at you differently then all the other girls.
You should want to act like a young lady, not because you'll get guys attention but because that's how you should be, you should want to carry yourself with poise and grace.
Like the ladies God created us to be.
Let the guys be men, and let them come after you, and stop running after them. You chasing after them, just shows that you're no different then every other girl out there,that wants their attention and will almost make a complete fool of yourself to get it.That you don't really respect yourself. Trust me, they like the excitement of the chase and of the "different girl" whether they realize it or not.
The second definition of a lady said, " Any woman." Any woman can be a lady, you just have carry yourself that way.
I don't know about you, but I don't want that Jezebel spirit on me, where I won't let guys do things for me, and eventually that spirit turns you into something that God didn't intend for us to be. We are supposed to be pure women of God, preparing our hearts and minds, to be a future wife someday. There was something that stuck out to me this morning as I was reading my Proverb for the day, it said " He who finds a wife, finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord." - Proverbs 18:22. So many girls can take that in a prideful way, saying " See..they need to find US and they'll get favor from the Lord!" Where a true lady will see it as an honor and a huge responsibility on our part as girls. Yes, that is what His Word said, but we have to make sure that we are a wife worth finding,worth dating, worth marrying, and worth them spending the rest of their life with. We have to make sure that we are spiritually grounded and that we are Godly examples and pure, polite, ladies of God.
Let's face it when you treat yourself with respect by acting like a Godly lady, then a nice Godly man will come your way and respect you like the lady you are. :)
'Til Next Time Ladies,
Tori Taylar
Now a days I look around, and girls out there just don't act like proper young ladies anymore.
Dressing in dresses, and wearing high heels don't make you a lady, but your mannerisms and actions do.
Seriously girls need to act like proper young ladies, if they want guys to treat them like one. It's hilarious, I hear girls all the time saying, " Why won't he carry my things, and open the door for me?" When they aren't acting like ladies at all. They are chasing after the guys, forever running & giving them hugs and trying to get their attention but then want the guys to chase after them. It just won't work.
Girls, guys do like to chase after us, they like to be chivalrous and be needed,to be a man. You just have to let them do that. I'm not saying be rude, and tell them " Carry my things, open the car door for me!" But when you treat yourself with respect and carry yourself like the lady you are, that will come naturally where they will want to do that stuff for you.
Guys like girls, that are polite, well-mannered and acts like the weaker sex. And now a days that's so hard to find, that when you act that way, you'll stick out like a sore thumb and he'll look at you differently then all the other girls.
You should want to act like a young lady, not because you'll get guys attention but because that's how you should be, you should want to carry yourself with poise and grace.
Like the ladies God created us to be.
Let the guys be men, and let them come after you, and stop running after them. You chasing after them, just shows that you're no different then every other girl out there,that wants their attention and will almost make a complete fool of yourself to get it.That you don't really respect yourself. Trust me, they like the excitement of the chase and of the "different girl" whether they realize it or not.
The second definition of a lady said, " Any woman." Any woman can be a lady, you just have carry yourself that way.
I don't know about you, but I don't want that Jezebel spirit on me, where I won't let guys do things for me, and eventually that spirit turns you into something that God didn't intend for us to be. We are supposed to be pure women of God, preparing our hearts and minds, to be a future wife someday. There was something that stuck out to me this morning as I was reading my Proverb for the day, it said " He who finds a wife, finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord." - Proverbs 18:22. So many girls can take that in a prideful way, saying " See..they need to find US and they'll get favor from the Lord!" Where a true lady will see it as an honor and a huge responsibility on our part as girls. Yes, that is what His Word said, but we have to make sure that we are a wife worth finding,worth dating, worth marrying, and worth them spending the rest of their life with. We have to make sure that we are spiritually grounded and that we are Godly examples and pure, polite, ladies of God.
Let's face it when you treat yourself with respect by acting like a Godly lady, then a nice Godly man will come your way and respect you like the lady you are. :)
'Til Next Time Ladies,
Tori Taylar
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Giving Up
Ok, so my last blog ( literally minutes ago) was talking about quitting the whole "blogging thing". Basically because I didn't know what to write about, and I was feeling like I was losing the will power to write. But now I know that it was just "writers block". Becaaaaauuuuuusee....
God has told me what my topic is! :D
So, Topic: Contemplating Resigning ( Giving up):
Resigning(Definition)-To give up (a position, for example), especially by formal notification.
Sometimes, we all think about giving up or quitting. Sometimes it's not something like blogging, or a hobby. We think about quitting relationships and even quitting on God when things get hard.
Thing is, yes we are going to have hard times but don't ever give up on God. He never gives up on us. We have to remember the strength that God has given us, to endure hard times, whether that's a tough relationship with a significant other, friend, or family member, or pain and suffering. Whatever the "hard time" is, we have to remain strong.
Giving up, won't ever get you anywhere, you'll just be stuck in the same place. God intends for us to be winners, and how can we if we give up on things and not want to try at all? Now I do understand, taking a break and getting a fresh start with things. Maybe if you need to take a break from songwriting, writing etc, that's a great thing to do because sometimes we have to step away for a while but just make sure you don't give up on it and never pick it back up again just because you don't think you can do it. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Just remember that, and say that to yourself and He'll help you through anything you need to get through. He'll help you say the right things to people to "mend" that relationship, He'll help you write the right words on that song or blog.
Just always, always remember not to give up God, He comes through for us when we least expect it, and it's all according to His timing and plan for us. Even though we may not see how "this or that" will help us, or why we have to go through the things we do, but God knows what He's doing, and He has a perfect plan for our life all according to His perfect time. All we need to do is sit back and let Him take the wheel in our life. Let Him take full control, and just see where He'll take us, and let Him move in our life.
Who are we to question the things He has for us?
Well, that's all for my spiel today. Hm, guess I have my answer: Staying. :)
Til Next Time fellow winners,
Tori Taylar
God has told me what my topic is! :D
So, Topic: Contemplating Resigning ( Giving up):
Resigning(Definition)-To give up (a position, for example), especially by formal notification.
Sometimes, we all think about giving up or quitting. Sometimes it's not something like blogging, or a hobby. We think about quitting relationships and even quitting on God when things get hard.
Thing is, yes we are going to have hard times but don't ever give up on God. He never gives up on us. We have to remember the strength that God has given us, to endure hard times, whether that's a tough relationship with a significant other, friend, or family member, or pain and suffering. Whatever the "hard time" is, we have to remain strong.
Giving up, won't ever get you anywhere, you'll just be stuck in the same place. God intends for us to be winners, and how can we if we give up on things and not want to try at all? Now I do understand, taking a break and getting a fresh start with things. Maybe if you need to take a break from songwriting, writing etc, that's a great thing to do because sometimes we have to step away for a while but just make sure you don't give up on it and never pick it back up again just because you don't think you can do it. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Just remember that, and say that to yourself and He'll help you through anything you need to get through. He'll help you say the right things to people to "mend" that relationship, He'll help you write the right words on that song or blog.
Just always, always remember not to give up God, He comes through for us when we least expect it, and it's all according to His timing and plan for us. Even though we may not see how "this or that" will help us, or why we have to go through the things we do, but God knows what He's doing, and He has a perfect plan for our life all according to His perfect time. All we need to do is sit back and let Him take the wheel in our life. Let Him take full control, and just see where He'll take us, and let Him move in our life.
Who are we to question the things He has for us?
Well, that's all for my spiel today. Hm, guess I have my answer: Staying. :)
Til Next Time fellow winners,
Tori Taylar
Contemplating Resigning
Resigning ( Definition)- . To give up (a position, for example), especially by formal notification.
That pretty much means that I'm thinking about resigning from the "blogging world".Not set in stone, but I am contemplating. Either I'm losing the will power to write, or I'm just going through "writer's block". hahaI'm not doing it quite yet, but I'm thinking about it.
Well I guess we'll see what the next blog says in about a week... "Staying or Leaving?": /
I think I'll keep ya on your toes. :P
Thanks for reading.
Til Next Time fellow bloggers,
Tori Taylar
That pretty much means that I'm thinking about resigning from the "blogging world".Not set in stone, but I am contemplating. Either I'm losing the will power to write, or I'm just going through "writer's block". hahaI'm not doing it quite yet, but I'm thinking about it.
Well I guess we'll see what the next blog says in about a week... "Staying or Leaving?": /
I think I'll keep ya on your toes. :P
Thanks for reading.
Til Next Time fellow bloggers,
Tori Taylar
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Opening Your Ears
Listening (Definition)- 1.To make an effort to hear something. 2. To pay attention; heed.
I hear alot of Christians say, " Why doesn't God talk to me, like He does to other people?" " Ugh, it just seems like I never hear God talk to me!"
Think about it...
Are you really listening?
Did you read that definition?
TO make an effort.
If you want to hear God's voice, if you want to hear what He has to say to you, then all you have to do is stop and listen. You have to turn off the things around you, like maybe the tv, music, cell phones, and sometimes even your own thoughts to stop and make an effort and say, " God.. I want to hear your voice, I want to hear You speak to me." And you know what...? He WILL speak to you! You will hear Him so clearly, if you just listen! Make an effort! If you want to, you will! He doesn't chose to speak to certain people, He's not prejudice, or judging you of things you've done, He wants to speak to you in a different way, in a way that's made for you listen to.
You have to learn when God is speaking to you. I'm not saying you'll hear a voice like some people do, but God can speak to you through things.
He can speak to you through the Bible, through prayer, through someone else like family, friends, or even something that you read, and you just know that God wanted you to read it! God can speak to you through anything, you just have to have your ears & eyes ready at all times, to receive a Word from God.
If you have trouble, stopping and listening to God then, pray about it and ask Him to help you seek His voice more. Sometimes it isn't always easy to do, and you do have to prepare yourself but that's ok. Don't dwell in negativity or idle thoughts, that can keep you from hearing God.
Remember: Life won't always seem so complicated or confusing if you just listen to God's instruction, and ask Him to speak to you. :) Don't be afraid...all you have to do is ask, talk to Him like you can see Him sitting right next to you.
Trust me, He's there...and listening to your every word, and ready to share a special word with you. :)
Til Next time fellow hearers,
Tori Taylar
Father God, we just ask you that you help us prepare our minds, our hearts, and our ears to listen to you everyday, to receive whatever it is that you want to tell us, or have in store for us. We pray Jesus, that we will keep our hearts open and prepared at all times, to listen to your instruction, because that's the only way we can make it in this world. In Jesus Name..Amen.
I hear alot of Christians say, " Why doesn't God talk to me, like He does to other people?" " Ugh, it just seems like I never hear God talk to me!"
Think about it...
Are you really listening?
Did you read that definition?
TO make an effort.
If you want to hear God's voice, if you want to hear what He has to say to you, then all you have to do is stop and listen. You have to turn off the things around you, like maybe the tv, music, cell phones, and sometimes even your own thoughts to stop and make an effort and say, " God.. I want to hear your voice, I want to hear You speak to me." And you know what...? He WILL speak to you! You will hear Him so clearly, if you just listen! Make an effort! If you want to, you will! He doesn't chose to speak to certain people, He's not prejudice, or judging you of things you've done, He wants to speak to you in a different way, in a way that's made for you listen to.
You have to learn when God is speaking to you. I'm not saying you'll hear a voice like some people do, but God can speak to you through things.
He can speak to you through the Bible, through prayer, through someone else like family, friends, or even something that you read, and you just know that God wanted you to read it! God can speak to you through anything, you just have to have your ears & eyes ready at all times, to receive a Word from God.
If you have trouble, stopping and listening to God then, pray about it and ask Him to help you seek His voice more. Sometimes it isn't always easy to do, and you do have to prepare yourself but that's ok. Don't dwell in negativity or idle thoughts, that can keep you from hearing God.
Remember: Life won't always seem so complicated or confusing if you just listen to God's instruction, and ask Him to speak to you. :) Don't be afraid...all you have to do is ask, talk to Him like you can see Him sitting right next to you.
Trust me, He's there...and listening to your every word, and ready to share a special word with you. :)
Til Next time fellow hearers,
Tori Taylar
Father God, we just ask you that you help us prepare our minds, our hearts, and our ears to listen to you everyday, to receive whatever it is that you want to tell us, or have in store for us. We pray Jesus, that we will keep our hearts open and prepared at all times, to listen to your instruction, because that's the only way we can make it in this world. In Jesus Name..Amen.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Sacrifice ( Defintion)- 1. Sacrifice of one's personal interests or well-being for the sake of others or for a cause. 2. The act of offering something to a deity in propitiation or homage, especially the ritual slaughter of an animal or a person.
Now the kind of sacrifice I'm talking about doesn't require you to go and kill an animal.
I'm talking about Self Sacrifice.
What are you willing to sacrifice for God, or others?
We are growing up in a generation that is so selfish, and doesn't care about others at all, and sometimes don't care about God and the things we'll have to sacrifice for Him.
Jesus was a sacrifice for us, to live. I think that we can definitely sacrifice something for Him.
Sometimes Christians tend to think that just the simple fact that we are Christians, we won't endure hard times or trouble or that the sacrifice for Him will be "willingly". Sometimes we have to sacrifice for Him, and it may be the hardest thing we've ever had to do, or we may not want to do it, but we have to.
We have to realize that we are set apart from this world, we can't blend in, and it may result in giving up some music that others listen to, or tv shows, or even cutting loose of some bad influences in your life. It won't always be easy but we have to do it.
For me, sacrifice, has always came to me when I wasn't expecting it or it was really hard to do it. Even as far back as I can remember I was making sacrifices for God, and it was really hard. I was 8 years old in a Catholic School. We had been Christian and going to COTR for a couple years. It was movie day that day, and the teacher put in Harry Potter for us all to watch. We were new Christians and I had been hearing for the past couple years not to even watch stuff like that to get into my spirit. ( I don't know why they had that in a Catholic School to begin with but that's another long story) My friends tried to talk me into just watching it, and " going along with it", but I knew that wouldn't be right. I went to the teacher and told her that I couldn't watch Harry Potter, because it wasn't good to watch and she and the other students treated me like I was weird, and I could tell that she didn't believe me and was frustrated with me. So was just going to sit in the back of the classroom and read a book, but she sent me in the lab by myself to read for a few hours. It was one of the hardest times of my life. I remember sitting on that cold floor( Reason why I had to sit on the floor is because there were dead frogs waiting to be dissected on the table) in the dark lab by myself crying out to God, asking Him, " If I did the right thing, why does it seem like I'm being punished for it?" " Couldn't I have just watched the movie?" " Is it really that bad?"
I had the choice to stay in the classroom and be with my friends, and just watch that movie, but I knew I had to sacrifice for God. Back then, I didn't know I was sacrificing, I was just doing what God wanted me to do. I had to do it for Him. From that moment on in my life, I knew that I was set apart, and things would never be the same. I talked about Jesus so much that the teachers had to tell my mother to tell me to " cool it down on the Jesus stuff." ( Remember this was a Catholic School) it's not like it was a public school. Ever since that movie day, I was treated as an outcast, among sinners, catholics and sometimes even Christians because they aren't willing to sacrifice. They don't want to change.
My reason for telling that story, is we seriously need to realize that we ARE NOT of this world and we MUST set ourselves apart by sacrificing for God. Even though it's NOT going to be easy AT ALL, and you may get pushed aside, laughed at, and treated differently for it,but you MUST do it anyway. Think about it, Jesus was laughed at, mocked, and pushed aside by His own people and He saved us all, we have to go through the same. Get used to sacrificing for God, make it a LIFESTYLE, because God forbid if you get left behind, you will seriously have to make some sacrifices for God then and it WILL NOT be easy. It'll come along with pain, heartache, and in that case even starvation.
Even though we have to go through some hard times for God, doesn't mean it won't be worth it! We'll be sitting in the Kingdom of Heaven with The Lord God Almighty! Walking on streets of gold and fellowshiping with Him! Praising His name for Eternity! God will reward you for your sacrifice, even if we don't see that reward while we are here on earth, we'll most definitely see it in Heaven!
Til Next Time Fellow Sacrificers,
Tori Taylar
Now the kind of sacrifice I'm talking about doesn't require you to go and kill an animal.
I'm talking about Self Sacrifice.
What are you willing to sacrifice for God, or others?
We are growing up in a generation that is so selfish, and doesn't care about others at all, and sometimes don't care about God and the things we'll have to sacrifice for Him.
Jesus was a sacrifice for us, to live. I think that we can definitely sacrifice something for Him.
Sometimes Christians tend to think that just the simple fact that we are Christians, we won't endure hard times or trouble or that the sacrifice for Him will be "willingly". Sometimes we have to sacrifice for Him, and it may be the hardest thing we've ever had to do, or we may not want to do it, but we have to.
We have to realize that we are set apart from this world, we can't blend in, and it may result in giving up some music that others listen to, or tv shows, or even cutting loose of some bad influences in your life. It won't always be easy but we have to do it.
For me, sacrifice, has always came to me when I wasn't expecting it or it was really hard to do it. Even as far back as I can remember I was making sacrifices for God, and it was really hard. I was 8 years old in a Catholic School. We had been Christian and going to COTR for a couple years. It was movie day that day, and the teacher put in Harry Potter for us all to watch. We were new Christians and I had been hearing for the past couple years not to even watch stuff like that to get into my spirit. ( I don't know why they had that in a Catholic School to begin with but that's another long story) My friends tried to talk me into just watching it, and " going along with it", but I knew that wouldn't be right. I went to the teacher and told her that I couldn't watch Harry Potter, because it wasn't good to watch and she and the other students treated me like I was weird, and I could tell that she didn't believe me and was frustrated with me. So was just going to sit in the back of the classroom and read a book, but she sent me in the lab by myself to read for a few hours. It was one of the hardest times of my life. I remember sitting on that cold floor( Reason why I had to sit on the floor is because there were dead frogs waiting to be dissected on the table) in the dark lab by myself crying out to God, asking Him, " If I did the right thing, why does it seem like I'm being punished for it?" " Couldn't I have just watched the movie?" " Is it really that bad?"
I had the choice to stay in the classroom and be with my friends, and just watch that movie, but I knew I had to sacrifice for God. Back then, I didn't know I was sacrificing, I was just doing what God wanted me to do. I had to do it for Him. From that moment on in my life, I knew that I was set apart, and things would never be the same. I talked about Jesus so much that the teachers had to tell my mother to tell me to " cool it down on the Jesus stuff." ( Remember this was a Catholic School) it's not like it was a public school. Ever since that movie day, I was treated as an outcast, among sinners, catholics and sometimes even Christians because they aren't willing to sacrifice. They don't want to change.
My reason for telling that story, is we seriously need to realize that we ARE NOT of this world and we MUST set ourselves apart by sacrificing for God. Even though it's NOT going to be easy AT ALL, and you may get pushed aside, laughed at, and treated differently for it,but you MUST do it anyway. Think about it, Jesus was laughed at, mocked, and pushed aside by His own people and He saved us all, we have to go through the same. Get used to sacrificing for God, make it a LIFESTYLE, because God forbid if you get left behind, you will seriously have to make some sacrifices for God then and it WILL NOT be easy. It'll come along with pain, heartache, and in that case even starvation.
Even though we have to go through some hard times for God, doesn't mean it won't be worth it! We'll be sitting in the Kingdom of Heaven with The Lord God Almighty! Walking on streets of gold and fellowshiping with Him! Praising His name for Eternity! God will reward you for your sacrifice, even if we don't see that reward while we are here on earth, we'll most definitely see it in Heaven!
Til Next Time Fellow Sacrificers,
Tori Taylar
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
His Love Never Fails You
Fail ( Definition) 1. To prove deficient or lacking; perform ineffectively or inadequately.2. To be unsuccessful
Sometimes the things we go through in life, makes us think that we are alone or that somehow God has failed us. But never will God fail us, or forsake neither will His love for us.
We sometimes tend to think that just because we are Christians, we won't have trials and tribulations. Yet God's word said that we will go through suffering and rejection for Him, just for the simple fact that we are Christians. When we have a hard time, as in a tough breakup, family members may be sick or friends betray you we have to stand strong in God and remember that He is there for us and that He loves us, that we are not alone. Sometimes our faith gets tested, to see if we will stand for Him through the good times and the bad. To see if we will still sing Hallelujah when things aren't easy at all.
Don't ever think that God has left you alone, or has forsaken you. Remember He died for us, and He loves us deeply, more than our minds can ever comprehend. Remember that Jesus does have feelings and when we say or think that He has left us or betrayed us, it breaks His heart because of how much He did for us. How can we possibly think such a thing after He died for us?
Jesus shows us what Love is, he showed us because He died for us, and no matter how wrong people treat Him, He still shows them compassion and love. No matter how many times we mess us, or turn our back away from Him, He still shows love towards us. We need to learn to walk in His love, and love others as He has loved us, to make it a lifestyle. In this we know exactly what love is, and that's simply God..God is love.
Conclusion: If we are walking in God's love that He has shown us, we learn what love really is, so how can we ever feel alone or that He doesn't love us? It isn't possible.
1 John 3:16
" By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.
'Til next time fellow brethren,
Tori Taylar
Sometimes the things we go through in life, makes us think that we are alone or that somehow God has failed us. But never will God fail us, or forsake neither will His love for us.
We sometimes tend to think that just because we are Christians, we won't have trials and tribulations. Yet God's word said that we will go through suffering and rejection for Him, just for the simple fact that we are Christians. When we have a hard time, as in a tough breakup, family members may be sick or friends betray you we have to stand strong in God and remember that He is there for us and that He loves us, that we are not alone. Sometimes our faith gets tested, to see if we will stand for Him through the good times and the bad. To see if we will still sing Hallelujah when things aren't easy at all.
Don't ever think that God has left you alone, or has forsaken you. Remember He died for us, and He loves us deeply, more than our minds can ever comprehend. Remember that Jesus does have feelings and when we say or think that He has left us or betrayed us, it breaks His heart because of how much He did for us. How can we possibly think such a thing after He died for us?
Jesus shows us what Love is, he showed us because He died for us, and no matter how wrong people treat Him, He still shows them compassion and love. No matter how many times we mess us, or turn our back away from Him, He still shows love towards us. We need to learn to walk in His love, and love others as He has loved us, to make it a lifestyle. In this we know exactly what love is, and that's simply God..God is love.
Conclusion: If we are walking in God's love that He has shown us, we learn what love really is, so how can we ever feel alone or that He doesn't love us? It isn't possible.
1 John 3:16
" By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.
'Til next time fellow brethren,
Tori Taylar
Saturday, February 19, 2011
The Challenge Of Our Lifetime
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They are a family too, stop global warming. |
Global Warming ( Definition)- an increase in the earth's atmospheric and oceanic temperatures widely predicted to occur due to an increase in the greenhouse effect resulting especially from pollution
Global warming is the most profound environmental challenge of our time – and it is accelerating at an alarming rate.
Our goal: to reduce the pollution that causes global warming and avoid catastrophic climate change.
How do we know the Earth is Warming?
Science has shown that the Earth has been warming for the past 100 years.
As far back as the 1850s, a small number of weather stations around the world were compiling temperature records. These numbers grew during the 20th century and today there are thousands of land-based weather stations and ocean buoys in every corner of the world monitoring temperatures.
How do we know that Humans are responsible?
What warms the earth? I. The sun. II. Earth's Reflectivity. III. Greenhouse Gases.
All of these things cause Global Warming but which on these is our current reason for Global warming? It isn't I. The sun ( Ultimately, the climate system is powered by the sun: all else being equal, if you turn up the sun, you'll warm up the Earth. According to IPCC estimates, the sun has accounted for just a small portion of warming since 1750.), II. The earths reflectivity changes points to cooling not warming(Around 30% of the sun's energy that reaches the Earth is reflected back into space. Changes in how much sunlight is absorbed, and how much is reflected, can affect global temperatures. Using satellite and land-based observations and computer models, scientists have calculated how Earth's reflectivity has changed over time.) That leaves the greenhouse effect as the only remaining scientific explanation for the rise in global temperatures in recent decades. Scientists have direct measurements of CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere going back more than 50 years, and indirect measurements (from ice cores) going back hundreds of thousands of years. These measurements confirm that concentrations are rising rapidly.
. All the evidence points to the III. Greenhouse Gases.
Conclusion: As far as scientists are concerned, it's case closed: human activity is causing the earth to get warmer primarily through the burning of fossil fuels, with a smaller contribution from deforestation. All other scientific explanations for why the Earth is getting warmer have been eliminated.
The Global warming we are experiencing is not natural, people are causing it. Only CO2
and other greenhouse gas emissions from human activities explain the observed warming now taking place on earth.
Animals are dying and our health is be threatened.
Get Involved and Fight Global Warming
Pollution, especially from cars and from making electricity, is a major cause of global warming. Find out how you can make a difference.
So here are a few ways that you can fight global warming without having to tie yourself to trees and what not. Simple easy ways that can be turned into a lifestyle:
I. Switch to Energy Saving Bulbs
II. Driving Efficiently: 1. Drive less aggressively. 2. Slowing down while driving. 3. Knowing when to use the air. 4. Don't Idle, if you are stopping your car for more than ten seconds ( not in traffic) then you can turn off your engine. Idling for more than ten seconds can use more gas and create more global warming pollution.
III. Driving Less, by combining trips, telecommute once a week, carpooling and using public transportation when possible.
Those are just a few simple ways that you can help change the planet, and I know what you're thinking " Can one person really make a difference?" The answer is, Yes! If everyone asked their self that question and said yes! Then we would change the world! We would be saving forests, animals, and putting ourselves and generations to come in better health! So don't think you aren't making a difference because you are! Every person counts! We have to stand hand in hand and fight global warming and make the world a safer place for wildlife and mankind!
'Til Next Time Fellow Tree Huggers. :)
Tori Taylar
If you'd like more information about Global Warming and how to help I highly recommend checking out some of these websites: ( Environmental Defense Fund )
Monday, February 14, 2011
Valentines Day
Valentines Day.
The day for friends, family, lovers, and mates.
People tend to make this day about their "Valentine" and traditionally that's the way it was intended.
Yet the Valentineless can't help but feel yucky on this day. But if you don't have a speical Valentine, make the best out of this day the best way you can.
Trust me I'm not telling you to do something that I'm not doing myself, because I'm in the same boat. We can sail down this valentineless ocean together.
Usually every Valentines Day, I go around saying I hate this day, and to be honest I know I've only said that because of a lack of a Valentine. But I don't hate Valentines Day, it just isn't a day for me to celebrate yet, I guess. Haha
I may have not had a boyfriend and may not have one now, but I do have Jesus and He's love enough for me. If you're lagging around because you don't have a Valentine try to make the best of the day, and remember that you have a Valentine in Jesus. He's everything you need Him to be.
Don't waste the day because others make you feel loveless, or unloved. I know it may be hard, but know that you've found Love is Christ and He loves you and that's all that matters.
'Til Next Time Fellow Sailors,
Tori Taylar
The day for friends, family, lovers, and mates.
People tend to make this day about their "Valentine" and traditionally that's the way it was intended.
Yet the Valentineless can't help but feel yucky on this day. But if you don't have a speical Valentine, make the best out of this day the best way you can.
Trust me I'm not telling you to do something that I'm not doing myself, because I'm in the same boat. We can sail down this valentineless ocean together.
Usually every Valentines Day, I go around saying I hate this day, and to be honest I know I've only said that because of a lack of a Valentine. But I don't hate Valentines Day, it just isn't a day for me to celebrate yet, I guess. Haha
I may have not had a boyfriend and may not have one now, but I do have Jesus and He's love enough for me. If you're lagging around because you don't have a Valentine try to make the best of the day, and remember that you have a Valentine in Jesus. He's everything you need Him to be.
Don't waste the day because others make you feel loveless, or unloved. I know it may be hard, but know that you've found Love is Christ and He loves you and that's all that matters.
'Til Next Time Fellow Sailors,
Tori Taylar
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Prom (Definition) - a formal dance, especially one held by a high school or college class at the end of an academic year.
Pretty much something that every girl gets to dream of before the wedding.
The dress.
The shoes.
The jewelry.
The matching colors for you and your date.
Oh the planning can be overwhelming, yet something girls MUST experience.
Ladies, if you have the chance to go to prom, go to it!
Don't miss it. I think it'd be pretty cool to experience.
I'm a Senior this year, and I can't go to prom because of the simple fact that I'm homeschooled so the lack of a "real school" persay is why I can't attend. Some of my girl-friends invite me to come as a friend to their prom but i'd be put in a "third wheel" position and that'd be plain..awkward. Haha.
Sometimes I haven't given up on it but, considering the fact it's my last year of high school I've given up on it but who know's I may just get to go. (fingers crossed)
If I don't I'll dream about my wedding instead, and wait a few years. Haha
Well that was my random spiel.
'Til next time fellow promers.
Tori Taylar
Pretty much something that every girl gets to dream of before the wedding.
The dress.
The shoes.
The jewelry.
The matching colors for you and your date.
Oh the planning can be overwhelming, yet something girls MUST experience.
Ladies, if you have the chance to go to prom, go to it!
Don't miss it. I think it'd be pretty cool to experience.
I'm a Senior this year, and I can't go to prom because of the simple fact that I'm homeschooled so the lack of a "real school" persay is why I can't attend. Some of my girl-friends invite me to come as a friend to their prom but i'd be put in a "third wheel" position and that'd be plain..awkward. Haha.
Sometimes I haven't given up on it but, considering the fact it's my last year of high school I've given up on it but who know's I may just get to go. (fingers crossed)
If I don't I'll dream about my wedding instead, and wait a few years. Haha
Well that was my random spiel.
'Til next time fellow promers.
Tori Taylar
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Songs In Remembrance
Remember ( Definition)- to recall to the mind by an act or effort of memory; think of again;to have recollection.
I'd like to know that people will remember me.
Not because I was fun to be around but because I made an impact on their life.
Remembered by my songs.
My Song Book |
When someone listens to my songs, I'd like to for them to feel like they've just listened to my heart. They just listened to how I feel about the Lord and more importantly that they've had an experience with God like I do when I write them.
My songs are my legacy to be my remembered by.
They are the very reason why I'm pursuing what am I going after now. God intended for me to be a musician, to be a songwriter, for His glory. I wouldn't dream of doing anything else.
I wasn't always one to say that either. I often tried to run from my calling. Telling God that I didn't want to be influence on people. That why every person that comes in my life is because I have to be an influence on them? I stopped that way of thinking a long time ago, and humbled myself and looked at it as an honor. God chose me, to influence people, and I've learned that it's through my music. Not through talking to people or counseling ( well for now anyway) but it's definitely through my music. And I'm so grateful that He's chosen to work through me, and often I feel that I'm not worthy of such a task, but I take His hand and ask Him to guide me through whatever I have to do.
I don't write my songs.
God writes them.
I didn't teach myself to play guitar.
The Holy Spirit taught me. I know it may sound ridiculous to some people but He did, I can't tell you how I learned anything on that instrument and picked it up, but I did by the grace of God because I asked Him to be my teacher and He has been.
Yes those songs are "my songs" but really it's God's songs. I can't take any of the credit. I won't be able to write anymore without Him.
'Til next time my fellow songwriters
Tori Taylar
Psalm 45:1 -
My heart is stirred by a beautiful song.
I say, “I have composed this special song for the king;
my tongue is as skilled as the stylus of an experienced scribe.
My Special Song for the King:
My Special Song for the King:
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Past Faults, Current Victories
I'm pretty sure everyone knows what this month is: Black History Month.
Some people take this month to harbor anger and past faults that people have made.
I'd like to be one of the one's that takes this month to be proud of our current victories and forgive the things that happened in the past.
Yes, my ancestors have been through so much, it has even run down to my grandparents experiencing racism. I've heard many stories of how we were treated wrongly and unfair but I can't hold it against current people of that race or even the past people. They were wrong for what they did, but it's time to forgive and show some love.
Our country's past racism still runs through our veins, and cries from the ground. We need to rise above the constant gnawing of past wrongs. Let's declare love as the reconciliation; the deliberate act of forgiveness.
I'm so very proud to say that the negative things people have put us down for we rose above it and have succeeded in life. Anyone can rise above it, we just need to look at the influences we have and put our mind to it and do it. Negativity from the past still holds people back even though they aren't getting beat, picking cotton, or watching their family get sold off to other familes. African Americans have been put in a mindset of settling for less, and giving up and we don't have to be that way. We need to fight like the great people before us did and still fight for freedom and carry on what our examples started years ago, don't let their fights be for nothing at all. Heroes, all the way from : Dr. Martin Luther King, Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Malcom X, John M. Perkins, Phil Brooks an inventor, George Washington Carver an agricultural chemist, Nelson Mandela, and Barack Obama to the king of pop Michael Jackson. So many people that we can be proud of, so many people that made a difference in history. So many people we can model ourselves after, african americans have so many reasons to fight and make a difference.
During this month we don't need to dwell on the past faults of racism but let's dwell on our current victories, and many victories to come. We aren't out of the woods yet, but we're fighting through.
So Let's love one another, because it's louder than racism, louder than differences and louder than hatred. It's even louder than pain. Let's live in |peace love & harmony.|
'Til next time fellow fighters.
Tori Taylar
Some people take this month to harbor anger and past faults that people have made.
I'd like to be one of the one's that takes this month to be proud of our current victories and forgive the things that happened in the past.
Yes, my ancestors have been through so much, it has even run down to my grandparents experiencing racism. I've heard many stories of how we were treated wrongly and unfair but I can't hold it against current people of that race or even the past people. They were wrong for what they did, but it's time to forgive and show some love.
Our country's past racism still runs through our veins, and cries from the ground. We need to rise above the constant gnawing of past wrongs. Let's declare love as the reconciliation; the deliberate act of forgiveness.
I'm so very proud to say that the negative things people have put us down for we rose above it and have succeeded in life. Anyone can rise above it, we just need to look at the influences we have and put our mind to it and do it. Negativity from the past still holds people back even though they aren't getting beat, picking cotton, or watching their family get sold off to other familes. African Americans have been put in a mindset of settling for less, and giving up and we don't have to be that way. We need to fight like the great people before us did and still fight for freedom and carry on what our examples started years ago, don't let their fights be for nothing at all. Heroes, all the way from : Dr. Martin Luther King, Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Malcom X, John M. Perkins, Phil Brooks an inventor, George Washington Carver an agricultural chemist, Nelson Mandela, and Barack Obama to the king of pop Michael Jackson. So many people that we can be proud of, so many people that made a difference in history. So many people we can model ourselves after, african americans have so many reasons to fight and make a difference.
During this month we don't need to dwell on the past faults of racism but let's dwell on our current victories, and many victories to come. We aren't out of the woods yet, but we're fighting through.
So Let's love one another, because it's louder than racism, louder than differences and louder than hatred. It's even louder than pain. Let's live in |peace love & harmony.|
'Til next time fellow fighters.
Tori Taylar
Jumping Without A Parachute
So I'm sort of new at this whole "blogging thing".
But I figured I'd give it a try.
First off, I'm Taylar. I'm a quiet, reserved person. Observant, and just living this life to please my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Without Him, my life is meaningless; useless.
I love to write, but I've never really gone to far with it my "comfort zone" is music, and it hasn't always been but, it is. I figured doing this blogging adventure is like jumping without a parachute. Doing something new; adventerous this year, taking a new step in life.
This blog won't be a place to scream my diary out to world. Yet my future writings will have my thoughts, feelings, and heart in every word. There will be things about music, life, love, pain, the environment, family, and God. Whatever I write, will have a piece of me in it.
So this is my leap for the time being, and with the Lord as my parachute, I trust I'll have a safe landing..just can't see it yet.
'Til next time fellow contemplaters.
Tori Taylar
But I figured I'd give it a try.
First off, I'm Taylar. I'm a quiet, reserved person. Observant, and just living this life to please my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Without Him, my life is meaningless; useless.
I love to write, but I've never really gone to far with it my "comfort zone" is music, and it hasn't always been but, it is. I figured doing this blogging adventure is like jumping without a parachute. Doing something new; adventerous this year, taking a new step in life.
This blog won't be a place to scream my diary out to world. Yet my future writings will have my thoughts, feelings, and heart in every word. There will be things about music, life, love, pain, the environment, family, and God. Whatever I write, will have a piece of me in it.
So this is my leap for the time being, and with the Lord as my parachute, I trust I'll have a safe landing..just can't see it yet.
'Til next time fellow contemplaters.
Tori Taylar
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